Thursday 10 October 2013

Journal #5: Pinhole Camera

Through the fence.
Front foyer...the sunlight coming in created the blotches.

Monday 16 September 2013

Journal #1: Personal Culture

My friend being funny in Tim Horton's.
Books on the shelves in the library.
Flowers through a fence on my walk to school.
Paintbrushes in the art room.

The hand drums in the music room at school.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Assignment #1

Photojournalism/ Travel Photography...Mitchell Kanashkevich

Image #1: This is a photograph of a man and a young boy fishing in the evening, near Panay Island in the Philippines. The picture effectively uses the light source, the lantern, as a focal point. The lantern is casting light onto the fisherman, and putting the young boy's expression into clearer view. I like that you can only see the edge of the, most likely, magnificent sunset, keeping the focus on the boat and the males. The photographer used perspective to make the boat look longer, emphasizing it more. 

Image #2: This image is showing Monks having lunch in a Bylakuppe Tibetan refugee camp in India. The photographer used effective use of perspective, putting more focus on the front row of boys, and gradually going out of focus. The red robes and the white pillars contrast nicely. The different expressions on the boys' faces add more visual interest to the photograph.

Image #3: This is a man in Mauritania, a country with high terrorism rates. This photo is interesting because of the focus on the man and his turban; since it is the darkest part of the picture, it's the most prominent, making it the focal point. The different levels that the camels are at add more visual interest to the photo, rather than them all being bent down, drinking, or all up moving around.